Intellectual Output O9 - E-learning Course

The software instructions are provided in e-leaming mode through the pages of the website dedicated to the game and will be available for all registered users. The system will be achieved through: 

- The realization of informational videos that illustrate how the game works for an independent and effective use by users (e-learning course). The choice of video content will be made in collaboration with 1-1FT, the Game Guide producers. The videos will be uploaded to a YouTube account dedicated to the project and made accessible and downloadable via a special section of the site, but also by the same guide, placed in a special section, and also available for download. With a view to collaborative learning, it will be possible to find on the website of the game videos made by users who have been assessed as particularly useful. 

-The creation of a collaborative platform where users can exchange information in real time and share work files. The end-structure and communication of the site will enhance the formation of an active community, more and more expert on the issues of inclusive design. The innovative aspect of the platform lies in its collaborative nature and the ability to share their knowledge and experiences with others. Moreover, this aspect allows to upgrade the cognitive background of the game itself, in a constant and long-lasting way. Thanks to the contribution of users and scientific communities involved, the expected potential is to build and spread through the network, ethical and design aspects in the field of universal design and inclusive design. The transferability of the developed product is extensible to the sectors involved in training, and existing software on the market. At the same time, collaborative learning practices can be taken and transferred in similar industries to those under investigation, and become a representative case study for the development of a netwr open education. The same companies could adopt this model and promote this philosophy of intervention.
